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Showing posts from April, 2019

Very sad and distressing past two weeks.

So after trying to make flowers, little did I know that I would have to actually pick flowers for a funeral. A close and dear friend of the family sadly passed away, I hadn't seen him in a couple of years and it came as a shock at how devastated I am. I abandoned all crafts and still at this moment do not have the desire to craft, maybe just as well as it turns out my Cricut machine is broken and whilst I was away the replacement machine arrived also broken. I was going to say at least I have my health but that is poorly too, I am however greatful for what I have and count my blessings daily, There are always people worse off than myself who struggle on regardless, so fair play! Hopefully I will be back to my crafts soon.

Flower Power 🥴 Cricut

Well, where do I start? Flowers, rolled flowers, layered flowers and felt flowers any flowers for that matter I hate them.😭 We see so many of the beautiful flowers  postsed on Facebook and some have even completed an entire wall full of the most beautiful flowers you have ever seen and it’s all done with cardstock! So after seeing lots of posts saying “not bad for my first attempt”  and the pictures looking like they have plucked it straight out Beachgrove garden I thought I can do that! I logged into Cricut Design Space and as I am subscribed to Cricut Acsess I selected the purple image bellow I was only messing around to see if I could actually produce anything that resembles a flower and duplicated only 4 petals to test it out. I made each petal a little smaller then cut. I used cheap card bought from Poundland and cut it on the cardboard + setting. I was really surprised by the results and I was now on mission to cut more. I tried the rolled flowers before and st
Ok I  will admit it, I am not great at craft but I have wanted to set up a blog for a very long time. I am not the smartest when it comes to technology  I want to show people that it’s OK if you struggle with technology, craft, spelling, grammar. I am a very slow learner but through crafting I am learning something every day. I have no idea how to set up a blog and it will probably take me over a year to figure it out (AND I WILL)  I plan to make simple projects and hope that I am able to explain and show you how I made it. But most importantly I want to be able to have a little giggle and not take it all too serious. I have no idea at all how to make this blog look remotely interesting. So please if you happen to stumble across this blog. Say hello.  Baby steps  Thank you for visiting my blog. Please leave a comment of support.